Source & Summit Youth Ministry
Our parish youth group activities have been temporarily suspended. We hope to resume soon. Please check back for more information.
Middle School: Life-Source Youth
All parishioners in grades 6 - 8 are invited to participate in Life Source, our Middle School Youth Ministry. No RSVP required - simply show up and you'll be welcomed and included.
MS YOUTH GROUP normally meets during the school year one Sunday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm. Bring your friends and gather in the cafeteria. Dates TBD.
All parishioners in grades 9 - 12 are invited to participate in Summit Youth, our High School Youth Ministry. No RSVP required - simply show up and we'll be thrilled to welcome you to this lively group.
BIBLE STUDY GROUP and other small group sessions are planned throughout the year. Check the calendar for the next session!
Youth “Strengthened and Sent” at Local Conferences
On March 9-10th, the Diocese of Columbus hosted two youth conferences at Bishop Watterson High School. We had over 20 youth from St. Timothy participate in these conferences. Afterwards, I collected surveys from the participants to hear about their experiences.
Q) What was your favorite part of Strengthened and Sent?
“It was amazing to listen to everyone talk about the boundaries they’ve overcome through life. How the Lord helped them through all their lows.”
Q) What did you learn about your faith there?
“I learned that the Holy Spirit is someone who resides in all of us. [The Holy Spirit] cares that we are safe. That God always finds a way to help us, even if we don’t see it at first.”
Q) Describe your encounter Jesus during the conference?
“I suffer from performing anxiety, but after I started singing (during the talent show) I felt it ease up. Something that rarely happens to me. Mass was also a time I felt closer with God, like he was speaking to me in ways he hadn’t before.”
Q) How do you plan to continue to grow now that Bosco Bash is over?
“I’m going to continue to go to Life-Source every 4th Sunday and be more open to God and my family about troubles I have.”
Q) What can we do as a parish to support you in your faith?
“Really I’ve never had any problems expressing my faith. The parish has always been a place I feel comfortable to open up about things I necessarily would never tell anyone in a million years. Just keep being a place that people can feel relaxed and happy in.”
*Julie Foley, 6th Grade student at St. Timothy School
Summer Ministry
(Click images for more info!)
“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted;”
at St. Timothy Catholic Church
You are invited to be a part of our active, lively youth ministry program. Our high school and middle school groups meet regularly, and there are lots of great events planned throughout the year. Come by yourself or bring a friend - we would love to welcome and include you!
Questions? Contact the Church Office (614) 451-2671
IG: @source_summit_ym
Catholic Ministry Highlight
Eden Invitation
Many students have questions these days about same sex attractions, LGBTQ lifestyles, and chastity as a whole. As Catholics, we need to respond with clarity and compassion about these issues. The Catholic Church must commit to sharing the freeing Truth of the Gospel in response to the questions of our world.
I recommend Eden Invitation as a resource for rock solid Catholic Teaching and Testimony regarding these topics. The founders of this ministry are Catholic women who experience SSA. They live out their call to radical holiness and mission for Jesus, seeing the beauty in God's plan for life, love, and chastity. They have chosen their identity as daughters of God the Father as their primary identity. They've stepped beyond the world's labels into something deeper, more profound.
View their website and follow their youtube channel to experience the beauty of the testimonies of people who've stepped into greater freedom by embracing God's plan. The glory of our original personhood is satisfying. The LGBT+ paradigm doesn't define one's core identity.. God's love and covenant does!