You are invited to
Serve with us
Whether you are called to serve the community at large or help meet the needs of our own parish, you'll find ample opportunities to serve here at St. Timothy.
Upcoming Service Opportunities
The St. Vincent dePaul Society invites you to participate in Sandwich Sunday on the 2nd Sunday of each month, following the 9am Mass.
The St. Vincent dePaul Society is collecting food donations for the St. James Pantry in the Linden area. Simply place your donations in the grocery cart in the church lobby.This month, the most urgent need is for: CANNED SOUP.
We are currently seeking volunteers to serve as Catechists for PSR (parish school of religion) and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.
Please prayerfully consider responding to this urgent call for help. What a blessing and a privilege to guide the faith formation of our parish children!
Questions? Please contact Ellen Peppercorn.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
Any adult who wishes to volunteer at St. Timothy Church in any capacity must comply with both the State laws and Diocese policies that govern volunteers in our school.
In order to comply with Ohio Revised Code 2151.86, all school volunteers must:
be fingerprinted AND
have a Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) background check.
To arrange for fingerprinting and a BCI background check, please call the school office at (614)451-0739.
In order to comply with the United States Conference of Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, and the Best Practices for the Parishes of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, all volunteers must:
attend a session of “Protecting God’s Children”, a course in child abuse prevention AND
submit proof of such to the principal.
Click here to learn more about Protecting God's Children, and click here to view a schedule of upcoming scheduled classes in the Diocese. Upon completion submit your certificate of completion to the office.
St. Vincent dePaul Society
St. Vincent de Paul dedicated his life to helping the poor. He founded a community of priests called Vincentians to help with his work with the poor. Today, St. Vincent’s work continues at St. Timothy through our Society of St. Vincent de Paul conference (SVDP).
St. Timothy student-athletes work together with members of the St. Vincent dePaul society to make sandwiches for families at St. Lawrence Haven.
A major message of the New Testament and Jesus Christ is that humanity should do all that it can to help the poor. SVDP has been putting these words into practice for 170 years. Your financial contributions each month support the following activities:
• Feeding the hungry with a sack lunch 5 days a week at St. Lawrence Haven that serves over 200 clients each day.
• Providing food assistance for the poor at the St. James Pantry that distributes groceries to over 900 needy clients each month. .
• Furnishing free clothing for the most needy of people at the SVDP Clothing Distribution Center.
• Assisting families with their unpaid rent and utilities through our home visit program.
How to make a donation
Many times our community comes to the SVDP when there is nowhere else to turn. Every one of your gifts to us makes an immediate and life changing difference for each family that we feed or assist to prevent rent evictions and utility shutoffs.
Donations can be made using your monthly envelope package provided by St. Timothy Church. A separate blue envelope is provided in the package for your SVDP donation. You can also drop a check or cash (labeled for SVDP) into the collection basket or call the parish office to receive instructions on how to make an electronic fund transfer to SVDP.
Stay up-to-date on what is happening weekly by reading the SVDP article in the church bulletin.
Other Service Opportunities
In the parish vestibule, each week we collect food for the St. James food Pantry and clothing for the SVDP Clothing Distribution Center. Simply place your donations in the grocery cart in the church lobby.
Parish members also assist with our sandwich making for St. Lawrence Haven on the second Sunday of each month after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. We make around 500 sandwiches for the families served by the Haven each month.
Monthly meetings are conducted on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am in the teachers lounge.
Contact parishioner Jim Competti ( for additional information.
Music Ministry
The St. Timothy music ministry is made up of parishioners of various ages and skill levels who offer their time and talent to enhance the worship experience of the entire parish.
CHILDREN'S CHOIR: The children’s choir (grades 3-8) sings once each month at the 11:00 a.m. Mass from September through May, as well as for the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass. Normally, rehearsals are weekly, on Thursdays at 2:30.
Contact Mrs. Kristen Babjak ( with questions about our Children's Choir.
CANTOR MINISTRY: Cantors assist at all weekend Masses by leading through song. Cantors must have good vocal strength and quality. Ability to read music is helpful but not required. Contact organist Andrea Graves ( with questions about serving as a cantor at St. Timothy Church.
ADULT CHOIR: The choir welcomes new members to join them for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings. Contact Andrea Graves ( with questions about joining the adult choir at St. Timothy Church.
Altar servers have two main duties:
To assist the priest and deacon during the celebration of Mass
By example, to help the people in the congregation to pray
Normally, the ministry is open to both adult and student-age parishioners. Altar servers are generally asked to serve one weekend Mass per month, and to respond to the call to serve at funerals and other special Masses as needed. Students at St. Timothy School serve weekday Masses during the school year.
This ministry is open to all confirmed Catholics. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the celebrant of the Mass and serve the parish by ensuring that Holy Communion is distributed in a timely and reverent manner.
Extraordinary Ministers have two main duties:
To distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward during the eucharistic celebration
To welcome those who choose not to receive the Eucharist with a blessing
Extraordinary Ministers are generally asked to serve one-two weekend Masses per month. Preferences for Mass days and times may be specified using the online Ministry Scheduler.
Questions? Contact Deacon Marion Smithberger via email (
At St. Timothy Church, lectors welcome the congregation to Mass and assist the celebrant by reading the First Reading, the Second Reading, and the Prayers of The Faithful. If you are an effective communicator comfortable with public speaking, you are invited to serve the parish as a part of this ministry. We ask lectors to:
Be conscious of their role in expressing God’s Word to the rest of the parish community present at the liturgy
Prepare ahead of time in order to study the meaning and pronunciation of their assigned readings
Lector schedules vary, and preferences for mass days and times may be specified using the online Ministry Scheduler. New lectors go through an orientation and training, and may be paired with a more experienced lector.
Questions? Contact parishioner Kathleen Dunn (
Altar Society
Members of the Altar Society provide and care for the bread, wine, vessels, linens, vestments, candles, flowers and anything else needed for the altar of worship. This is a ministry that appeals to the detail-oriented person who enjoys working “behind the scenes.” The work of the Altar Society is an encounter of holiness in the ordinary, where work becomes prayer and prayer springs from work.
Altar Society members choose to help with any of the following volunteer activities:
launder and press the linens used at Mass
clean and prepare the Sanctuary
assist with the celebration of weddings and funerals
decorate for feast days, liturgical seasons, and special events such as the Blue Mass
Altar Society members choose how often and how much they'd like to help. We welcome your participation with this ministry - now matter how often you are able to be actively involved. Questions? Contact parishioner Mary Ballantyne (
Bereavement Ministry
The St. Timothy Bereavement Ministry provides support to parishioners who have lost a loved one. This is done in several different ways. First, a card is sent to the family by a bereavement member offering condolences for their loss on behalf of the parish and offering support should they need it. There is also a follow up letter sent the family on the one-year anniversary of their loved one’s death. Second, should a parishioner be struggling to cope with a loss, the Bereavement Ministry provides resources to that person to help them through the difficult time. There may be additional follow-up required with the person to ensure that they are doing well. Third, the Bereavement Ministry hosts the All Souls Day Mass to remember in a special way all parishioners who have died the past year. A flower is added to a vase on the altar by a member of the deceased’s family as a remembrance of that person.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Robert Dorinsky at
Have a green thumb and a willing spirit? Members of the Garden Club assist in maintaining and improving our parish grounds so that it is a welcoming and joyful place for our parishioners and visitors. All of the work is performed by dedicated volunteers and through the generosity of donations.
The Serra Club of Columbus promotes vocations to the priesthood and religious life, guided by the words of their patron, St. Junipero Serra: "Always forward, never back." Activities include annual altar server awards, vocation luncheons for young men and women, religious sister luncheon, and monthly holy hour for religious.
Questions? Contact St. Timothy parishioner James Reinmann at
Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood.
— Saint John Paul II
St. Timothy parishioners are invited to attend an upcoming Serra Club meeting at either of the two Columbus chapters: