When: Saturday, August 25th
Time: 8 AM until finished
Calling all backyard gardeners! Does your hosta want to come to church? Join us on Saturday, August 25, for St. Tim’s first “Plant a Hosta Party.” Our event will begin at 8 am and we will work until we’re finished!
The grounds on the west side (parallel to Kenny Road) are currently barren, but we want to fill this area with hostas. Our event will be BYOH (bring your own hosta). Join our party with a hosta plug from your backyard or just bring a hosta from a local nursery and then plant it at St. Tim’s! Hostas are easy to transplant; you can check out how it is done on YouTube.
Contact Nancy Schell 614-582-7742 or Raeanne Woodman 614-784-8481 if you have any questions and please be sure to tell anyone who might be interested in this event!