Mass Times
9:00 am, Monday - Friday
5:00 pm, Saturday
9:00 am, Sunday
11:00 am, Sunday
➤ Confessions
4:00 - 4:30pm Saturdays
Holy Week Schedule 2025
Saturday, April 12 3:30-4:30pm
Monday, April 14 6:00-7:00pm
Tuesday, April 15 9:30-10:30am
Holy Thursday 4.17
Mass at 7:00pm
Adoration 8:30pm-12:00am
Benediction at Midnight
Good Friday 4.18
12:00pm Passion of the Lord
7:00pm Passion of the Lord
Easter Vigil 8:00pm Mass
(No 5:00pm Mass)
Easter Sunday 4.20
7:30am Mass
9:00am Mass
11:00am Mass
Welcome to St. Timothy Catholic Church
St. Timothy Catholic Church is located on the northwest side of Columbus, tucked back in the quiet neighborhood between Riverside Hospital and The Ohio State University Golf Course. We strive to be disciples of the Lord in a welcoming parish.
Maybe you've been faithfully practicing the Catholic faith for your entire life, or you are just beginning to explore what it means to be Catholic.
No matter where you are on your journey in faith, we welcome you.
St. Timothy Church is part of the Diocese of Columbus. The Catholic Church is a colossal family which includes about 1.13 billion people throughout the world. Catholic means "universal" – which means everyone is welcome into the Church. That includes you too, even if you’re not currently a practicing Catholic.
The Church exists to help people develop their relationship with God through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Part of being a Catholic is striving to become better, to become more loving - of ourselves and of one another. Is that a vision you share?
Join Us
New to St. Timothy, or visiting? Want to become a Catholic or return to the Church?
We welcome you.
Serve with us
Do you feel called to help those in need? Want to become more involved in serving the parish?
We can help you get started.
Celebrate with us
Preparing for a wedding, baptism,
or first communion in the near future?
We can help.
Grow with us
As Catholics we are called to continually grow in faith. St. Timothy offers opportunities for faith formation and learning for Catholics at every stage of life - children, teens, and adults.
We invite you to learn and grow with us.
Share fellowship with us
Looking to share fellowship and build friendships with other members of the St. Timothy community?
We'd love to get to know you better!
Upcoming events:
"...And we sent Timothy, our brother and Servant of God in the Gospel of Christ, to strengthen and comfort you in your faith..." I Thessalonians 3:2
Our aim: to be Disciples of the Lord in a welcoming parish
We strive to promote the greater glory of God through a spirit of welcome and willing service to our brothers and sisters.
Whether you're a lifetime parishioner or new to our community, we welcome you and invite you to share in our parish life.